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Showing posts from February, 2016

Safer Internet Day : Using Twitter

Safer Internet Day We're supporting the Safer Internet Day again this year, giving tips throughout the day on how to use help make the internet more safe. Follow our posts on popular social media sites, by searching for the #SID2016 and #ShareAHeart hashtags, or find out more about the Safer Internet Day on their website From the SID Checklists, here's some tips on using Twitter: What Is Twitter? Twitter started life in 2006 primarily based around SMS text messaging as a way to post status updates to friends. It quickly got noticed and boomed into the Twitter that we see today, with most tweeters using mobile apps or the twitter website to access the service. Twitter is limited to 140 characters per tweet, it's a lot like going back to the early day's of mobile phones when sms/text messaging was first used. The debate on the effect this has on the languages is ongoing, but it does mean that each and every tweet is short...