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Man accidentally 'deletes his entire company' with one line of bad code

"Man accidentally 'deletes his entire company' with one line of bad code"

OK, It's going to turn into one of those urban myths that unsuspecting journalists or well-meaning facebook friends post from time to time, but behind the PR there is a serious note or warning.

Data Backup & Recovery

Everyone knows they should do it, it might even be on your list of things to do, but unless you actually have a backup and recovery plan in place, working and tested regularly, you might as well delete all your precious files now; rm -rf

Precious Files

Precious files are different for everyone, for a home user it might be the hundreds of digital photos of your family and friends from over the years, for a business it could the database that keeps your company moving, or the client files that you rely on, or maybe it's data that you are required by law to look after securely. 

Whatever your precious data is, to you it means a lot, and it needs looking after.

Personal Service

Whatever your requirements, we can help plan, implement and test a backup solution that's right for your needs, contact us today to find out how #WeCanHelp

tinsleyNET IT Services Consultant
IT Support for small to medium sized businesses, home office workers and home users across the West Midlands and Shropshire.


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