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Everyone in the UK should have access to fast broadband internet by 2020

Broadband for all

David Cameron has pledged that all UK homes and businesses will have access to fast broadband by 2020 backed by a Universal Service Obligation, giving the public the right to request an affordable, fast connection, making internet access a guaranteed service like water and electricity.

Soon Enough?

In 2010, a very similar pledge was made by David Cameron, saying that by 2015 nearly all of the UK should be able to access fast broadband. This latest pledge has pushed that promise back by 5 years.

Fast Enough?

In 2012, the government stated that by 2015 the UK would have the fastest broadband of and major european country, defining high-speed broadband as offering download speeds of 24Mbps (though Ofcom defines high-speed as 30Mbps)

The latest pledge states that all the UK should have access to at least 10Mbps.

At the moment, 83% of households in the UK have access to fast broadband

Safety Online

While having access to the internet is a good thing, it does unfortunately being with it some new problems. Keeping you and your data safe needs to be a priority for all households and businesses. Having security in place and being able to monitor it, and being able to spot a fraudulent email or pop-up is essential.


If you know someone who is just taking their first steps into cyberspace, why not book them a Internet Startup package from tinsleyNET. We'll setup the internet connection so it is secure, assess the wifi so you are getting the best possible speed, and we offer a number of startup tutorials from getting online to making a VoIP call. contact us today on twitter, facebook, google+, email or by phone (details below) and give gift of safer internet this christmas!

BBC News

tinsleyNET IT Services Consultant
IT Support for small to medium sized businesses, home office workers and home users across the West Midlands and Shropshire.


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